Foreign Student of the
Universities of Buenos Aires and Hillocks of Zamora (1989 – 1991).
Graduated in Laws for the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (1992).
Master in Law (LL.M) for the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
(1993-94) Courses of Post -Grade in Administration, Strategic Marketing and
Financial Law for the Pacific University, Northwestern University, J. Kellog Graduate School and UPC- School Business. Speaker in International Congresses
on Civil and Concursal Law
in Lima, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Punta del Este, Mexico
DF, Barranquilla, Yucatan, Cordova,
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro city.
Founder associate member of
Carbonell O'Brien Law Firm (2000-) with
headquarter office in Lima city and linkage in Buenos Aires, Bogota,
Caracas, Miami and Mexico DF. Chief of the Counselor Office of the
Commission of Justice of the Congress of the Republic of Peru (1998-99).
Legal Counselor and Technical Secretary of the Commission of
Restructuring Managerial of the Bar of Lima (1995-98). Junior Lawyer.
Procedural Area. Muñiz, Ramirez, Pérez Taimán and Luna Victoria Law Firm (1992-94)
Member of the Consultant
Commissions of Insolvencies and Bankruptcies of the International Union
of Lawyers-UIA (France), International Bar Association – IBA (England)
and of the Bar of Lima (Peru). Founder member of the Iberoamerican
Institute of Concursal Law (Mexico DF). Member
of the Argentinian Institute of Commercial Law, Member of the Argentinian
Academic Foundation of Economic Law, Member of the Nominee of Umpires of
the Bar of Lima.
Professor of the Concursal
Law course at the level of Pre and Post Grade, in national and
international universities. Foreign professor of the University of
Business and Social Science (Argentina ), of the Pontifical Catholic University Andres Bello (
Venezuela ), of the National University of Sao Paulo ( Brazil ).
Speaker in national and international forums on topics of his
Spanish, English and
of Specialization
Concursal Law,
Administrative law, Civil Law (Contracts), Corporate Law (Arbitration).
and Publications
He has published articles of
Concursal Law and of the Company in magazines and specializing
newspapers of Peru, Brazil, Italy and Spain (1995-).
Author of the books “ Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payments ” (1999)
and “ Interpretation to the New General Law of the Peruvian Concursal
System” (2003) the Director of the Electronic Magazine of Right
Concursal “ Route Crisis” (2005-) the Director of the Electronic
Magazine of Defense to the Consuming" Consumption and Legal"
(2006-), Director of the Electronic Magazine “Peru Global” (2007 -)